The channel will broadcast exclusive thought leadership content, including tools and tactics for being
successful in today’s changing global market conditions. The New Live 24/7 News and Events channel
will have a global reach across our website and social channels to a potential audience of 3 million
viewers during prime streaming hours. Securing your monthly segment in our channel lineup will lock
out any other competitors in your vertical. Your 20-minute segment and 10-minute Q&A will have a
moderator to keep the flow and viewer experience. Your segment is an opportunity to showcase your
knowledge, brand and position as business influencer in your industry, while also building know, like and
trust among our network of business decision makers.
Do you think you have what it takes to be a thought leader on the WGN Business Channel? Here is what
we are looking for:
If you answered yes to all the above then consider filling out an application and see if you are chosen for
an interview. We only are accepting 100 Thought leaders to start our program, so show us what you’ve